Sneak Peak # 3: New 2v2 mode and other new stuff coming
Sneak Peek # 3 just released, will probably be the last one, what will it contain? New 2vs2 mode in friendly challenge, 2v2 in table challenge challenge and challenge 2v2, but not only!
- Summer of 2v2 is coming with all new 2v2 game modes!
- 2v2 Friendly Battle, 2v2 Draft, 2v2 Challenge!
- AND, starting soon, collect chests with your friends in a 2v2 Battle!
- A “2v2” button will appear on your Clash Royale main screen soon after the next update has arrived
- With this button you can invite a friend, Clanmate or pair up with a random Internet buddy to play a 2v2 Battle for chests, Victory Gold and earn Crowns for your Clan Chest and Crown Chest!
- The button will initially be available for 7 days – as a test run to make sure it all works correctly
- Providing everything works, which we’re anticipating it will, we plan to bring the button back for the entirety of July (aka, “Summer of 2v2”)
- Our goal with this week and month-long 2v2 button fiesta is to see how you, the players, feel about it and ultimately decide whether or not it should become a permanent feature of Clash Royale – and if so, in what form?
- This is the big question we’ll be asking ourselves after the “Summer of 2v2”, so please don’t hesitate to let us know what you think
Do not forget to look at the leaks spread by Opegit Studio on the Web and collected in this article.
Sneak Peek #3: Nuova modalità 2v2 e altre novità in arrivo
Sneak Peak #3 appena rilasciato, probabilmente sarà anche l’ultimo, cosa conterrà? Nuova modalità 2vs2 in sfida amichevole, 2v2 in modalità sfida carte in tavola e sfida 2v2, ma non solo!
Sneak Peak #3: le novità principali e i bonus
- L’estate sarà ricca di sfide in nuovo stile 2 contro 2!
- Sfide amichevoli 2v2, Carte in tavola 2v2 e Sfide 2v2,
- Potrai ottenere Bauli nelle sfide 2v2
- Un nuovo pulsante 2v2 comparirà accanto a quello che già conosciamo (probabilmente il pulsante celeste comparso e leakato con tempo limite sarà adibito proprio a questo)
- Con questo pulsante potrai invitare amici a giocare,
- Il nostro obiettivo in questa settimana/mese è vedere come funziona la nuova modalità e ultimare la scelta completamente o come perfezionarla in futuro.
Non dimenticare di guardare i leaks diffusi da Opegit Studio sul Web e raccolti in questo articolo.