Magical Items, or the precious prizes obtained by participating in the Clan Games will give a valid car for those who use them. These magical objects are able to improve and strengthen villages and armies, bringing not inconsiderable advantages. Unfortunately, you will have...
The year 2017 was for Clash of Clans the year of rebirth : the arrival of major revolutions such as the Base of the Builder and the innovations gradually implemented such as the Clan Games, currently active, have brought back millions of players...
“Which prizes do I choose?” If this is the question you ask yourself every time the clan games come to an end then you’re in the right article. When the clan games end all players have the opportunity to get a prize for each level...
The Clan Games brought a lot of players back to Clash of Clans to resume playing, it was a start with a bang! Probably in the future we will see great improvements on this front, already the first phase has served to...
A huge Christmas is coming for all the Clashers: the new Christmas update will contain fresh news that will jolt the entire gaming system, which has lost emphasis in the last period. Darian, a member of the Clash of Clans team, has...
Raise your hand if you don’t know Clash-A-Rama …! This cartoon series is now known to all the players of Clash of Clans and Clash Royale, both for its popularity and for the in-game news. Clash-A-Rama: Second series incoming! Good news,...