Best Warrior Healer Decks for Arena 12, Legendary Arena and Leagues

The Warrior Healer is a card that represents the offensive version of the Clash of Clans Healer Unit, where it has no attack whatsoever but only acts as a supporter, especially for the famous Queen Walk strategy. In the Clash Royale version, in addition to healing herself and her allies within range, she deals damage, albeit mild, with each blow thrown her healing ability is activated. Let's find out together which are the best decks to climb using Warrior Healer.

Each deck is positioned by order of strength and win percentage, which does not mean that the first deck with Warrior Healer is stronger than the last, each has its own different gaming skills from others, so our advice is to try them all and test which one be the best.

I Mazzi sono ordinati per percentuali di vincita, ma ciò non significa che il primo possa essere più adatto dell'ultimo! Per copiare il mazzo ti è sufficiente fare clic su Copia posizionato subito dopo e impostarlo come tuo mazzo prioritario. Scegli il deck che rispecchia meglio le tue carte, tuttavia se non sei soddisfatto puoi guardare tutti i Migliori Mazzi per Arena 12 nella sezione apposita.

Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13;26000007;26000017;26000018;26000021;26000068;28000007;28000008
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 1;26000001;26000007;26000011;26000024;26000046;26000068;28000000
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 2;26000014;26000021;26000038;26000040;26000068;28000000;28000008
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 3;26000013;26000014;26000015;26000018;26000031;26000035;26000068
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 4;26000018;26000040;26000048;26000056;26000068;28000006;28000013
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 5;26000049;26000055;26000064;26000068;27000002;28000004;28000017
Best Decks With Warrior Healer Arena 13 6;26000011;26000021;26000049;26000068;28000000;28000002;28000011