Deck Night Witch, Lava Hound and Balloon for Arena 8, Arena 9, Arena 10 and Arena 11
In this new Lavaloonion deck we’ve got a new entry: this underestimate card allows a huge advantage, with numerous bats who act as lava pups. Let’s see the Deck with Night Witch, Lava Hound and Balloon for Arena 8, Arena 9, Arena 10 and Arena 11.
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Cards in the Deck
- Goblin Gang: support card that can be used in defense or to as distraction.
- Tombstone: Excellent card to emulate Inferno Tower’s effect
- Freeze: carta costosa ma molto utile se usata nel momento giusto,
- Arrows: destroy in one-shot minion hordes and minions!
- Mastino Lavico: enormous wall, unmissable in Lavalonioon decks
- Mongolfiera: very offensive card
- Strega Notturna: huge direct damage and fast support of bats
- Mega Sgherro: card used as a support
Substitute Cards
- You can replace Mega Minion with Minions or Minion Horde
- Goblin Gang replaceable with Archers.
Strategies, Combos and Tactical Advices
The best combo is Lava Hound supported by Night Witch, because of her high direct damage and meanwhile the egregious defense against Hound’s counters, thanks to bats, fast units quickly evoked by the night witch. Also, when the night witch dies, some bats always spawn… that’s a great help!
Also, we can’t omit the classic compo Lava Hound + Balloon; anyways it’s better use it with Mega Minion’s support, because they’re both vulnerable troops that can’t defend themselves. It would be perfect to match it with Night Witch but the elixir investment cost would increase.