New Balance for Brawlers in Brawl Stars, June 2017

After the first mini-upgrade came a new maintenance that made other changes and balances to the brawlers of Brawl Stars.

Balance Changes

  • Mortis’ dash range is decreased by 25%
  • Bo reloads 13% faster

Primarily we’re watching high-trophy games when balancing.

Mortis is strong in both premade games and regular matchmaking. His quick dashes made it easy for players to quickly move around the map, and evade damage.

Bo has been a little underpowered (especially in regular matchmaking). This is a minor change, but we hope it increases his usefulness.

El Primo is remaining the same (for now!). We’ve seen that he is not overpowered in premade high-trophy games, and only slightly above average in regular matchmaking. We’ll still be watching his win rates closely to make sure he is balanced.