Crazy Matchmaking with BH2, BH3, BH4, BH5 on Clash of Clans
With the introduction of the Builder Hall, it has been introduced the Versus Battle which allows two players to have a head to head battle in real time, just like in Clash Royal. However, as many of you could see, the matchmakings result a little crazy and usually benefits Builder Halls of higher levels, like BH4 or BH5. What is going on and why is this happening?
A few days ago we published an article in which we explained how to exploit Versus Battle for your own advantage, that is by upgrading rapidly (without maximize everything) a BH4 or BH5. Many were the critiques about that guide of the matter ” alright, but you are upgrading a BH4 or BH5 and you have no appropriate difences, you have more difficulties to win!“. Now we are going to explain why this argument is wrong and it is Supercell directly who will give us the answer.
Crazy Matchmaking with BH3, BH4, BH5 on Clash of Clans
As you might have seen with your own eyes, the Matchmaking system pairs two players simply based on the number of trophies. Yes, that’s right.
The system doesn’t take into consideration the level of the Builder Hall but only and exclusively the range of the trophies achieved. This means that if you are a BH2 and you have 1500 trophies you might find only Builder Halls of level 3 or 4.
Unlike the classic village on Clash of Clans, where the matchmaking is based also on the level of the Town Hall, in Builder Base mode the only thing taken into consideration is the number of trophies.
This means that in this mode, for now at least, it doen’t matter to upgrade everything for every level of the Builder Hall, but rather climb rapidly to superior levels (within the limits, obviously)
Personally, we have tested it using BH3’s villages in the range of 1300/1600 trophies, and we have only and always found Builder Halls of level 4 and 5. This will bring you to lose 90% of the times because the defences of the enemy are way better and more numerous so the percentage of distruction drops miserably for every structure destroyed. So the question is: what’s the point to keep remaining in Builder Hall 3 when the system only takes into consideration just the trophies? You might as well upgrade to BH4 or BH5 to have equal battles, at least apparent.
Before showing you the official message, we would like to announce that from now on there will be present official members of the italian team of Supercell in our forum, therefor if you want to signal bugs or problems, do it here.
Here is the message from Supercell regarding the question:
“Dear Livio,
thank you for your message.We confirm that just like in the multiplayer, also in Versus Battle the match counts only the number of the trophies you won.
Because to the number of trophies correspond a number of victories, we believe it is relevant to determine the strength of a player.”