8 Best BH6 Layout for Clash of Clans Builder Base
The BH6 involves the addition of major defensive buildings and troops in Clash of Clans: the Roaster and the Night Witch. It is important to know how to manager this level better, especially when defending. Here are the 8 BH6 Layout to be copied right away in your village!
Layout very compact but not easy to destroy. The 2 Crushers are positioned at the east and west corners of the Builder Hall, and the Roaster will allow you to defend from any flying troops (which are usually used to destroy the Crusher).
In this BH6 layout it’s possible to note how the Crushers are positioned, with the Roaster, directly next to the Builder Hall, covering it all.
Layout BH6 based on funneling: as you can see the south part has two accesses between the walls that will make space for ground troops such as giants. It’s a known BH5 layout too, find it here.
Do not be fooled by the high-level walls, this layout allows you to defend yourself well even with level 1 walls. The central part of the village is particularly defensive this allows to defend us by Giants that will be attacked on several fronts!
BH6 layout with a rectangular shape; a lot of space will serve for this layout, and for this reason you will need to clean up Trees and various obstacles. The Roaster is positioned just outside but the Crusher is still placed in the center of the village.
This Layout is very similar to the layout just described. In this case, the Roaster is positioned more centrally.
Based on the Funelling tactic, this base will allow you to attract troops with openings in the walls and to destroy them with traps and the Roaster/Crusher
Finally, this very special Layout, consisting of several concentric rectangles that create different spaces and allows you to let the Giants lose time. In this case it is better to have at least level 3 walls.