Best Layout for BH2, BH3, BH4, BH5, BH6 in Buider Base
In the new Builder Base mode, we have the chance to start building our “colony”, so we have collected a variety of basics in the Supercell World Fan blog for each level in the Builder Hall.
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Best bases for BH2
This is the list of the best bases for Builder Hall level 2. BH2 is definitely the lowest level, especially at cunning level. Although it comes from a gaming system similar to the standard village, we understand perfectly that it’s all completely new and attack methods are a great innovation compared to what we knew.
BH2 should be used as a starting stage for testing in Versus Battles, since being able to upgrade to BH3 is very, very simple. We therefore recommend to learn more without losing patience (remember that when you lose a versus battle, no resources are taken away from you). Do not aim to climb as you will soon find maxed BH3 or BH4. However, here are two very good basics to use from now on.
Best Bases for BH3
Il BH3 è la fase pre-matura, hai numerosi edifici nuovi da costruire e da qui il gioco si fa più duro per i giocatori saranno molto più esperti in offensiva quanto in difensiva, per questo è essenziale riuscire a difendersi bene e assicurarsi (in difesa) la percentuale più bassa possibile.
In this tranche you will find many players using Boxer Giants + Beta Minions strategy as few players decide to invest Gold in the Firecrackers defense, so we recommend setting the Mine in air mode.
This is a list of the best bases for Builder Hall level 3.
Best Bases for BH4
Level 4 Builder Hall is the crucial point of all players: anyone who gets to this level knows that from this moment onwards the wins will be more and more rare as the cunning and skill of the players will be very high.
The Clock tower is added together with the Star Laboratory as a new bulky structure, but you will see the appearance of Air Mines, new Archer Towers and new upgrades as well as new unlockable troops such as the Bomber or Baby Dragon.
This is a list of the best bases for Builder Hall level 4. If you want, you can read best guide for upgrading BH4.
Best bases for BH5
Reaching BH5, the level of maturity of the player and of his village reaches astral levels, especially with the arrival of the new War Machine Hero. Below you will find important layouts to use to better match your opponents. This is a list of the best bases for Builder Hall level 4. If you want, you can read best layout for BH5.
Best bases for BH6
This is a list of the best bases for Builder Hall level 4. If you want, you can read best layout for BH6.
Your builder hall 2 base layouts are actually builder hall 3. I’d definitely recommend updating this to fix the issue when you can. You can’t remove the scenery in Builder Hall 2 but it always starts you off with scenery in the same places, so it should be simple enough to fix.