Tricks for winning on Bounty Mode in Brawl Stars

Bounty is one of the challenges available on Brawl Stars, probably the most fun, for 3v3 mode mix and versatility of roles: let’s see together how Bounty works and tricks to win easily, using the best strategies and the best Brawlers available.

How Bounty Mode works on Brawl Stars

Bounty is pure beat mode, let’s find out how it works and what’s the purpose of the challenge:

  • The system combines 6 players by forming two different gangs: a 3 vs 3,
  • The aim of the game is to break down the largest number of characters in the enemy team and thus the largest number of stars,
  • Each defeated Brawlers generates a star on the brawlers’ head that has defeated him,
  • Every star on the head of a Brawlers corresponds to a killing (the maximum is 7 stars),
  • Every time a Brawler is killed, it “gives” to the opponent the number of stars he carried with himself,
  • Each Brawler has endless lives within the game,
  • The game mode has a maximum time: when the countdown ends the gang with the biggest number of stars it is the winning one.

Tricks and Strategies for Bounty Mode in Brawl Stars

Let’s see the best tricks, tips, and tactics you can use in this mode to win in the best possible time, of course often this will take a long time.

First step: Like all 3v3 challenges, it’s essential to have a great feeling with your mates: if you’re starting Bounty mode with multiplayer casual gamers looking for fun you have to hope to be matched with more experienced players. If you want to make sure you win, the first step and the best way to follow is definitely to organize a team with your friends by creating a private room on Brawl Stars. However, the random mode with totally random matches with players around the world is the most exciting and fun one, because you never know what your allies are!

An excellent trick to getting many stars is to use physical Brawlers like El Primo and hide in high grass. We will just wait for an enemy to get near to the grass, and as soon as the enemy is near to us we attack him! (Physical Brawlers have got a lot of HP and we will not risk being defeated, especially if the enemy Brawler is one that attacks at a distance!).

It’s senseless in this challenge to run away, as you get the most out of the game when there is a direct confrontation (to get Stars you must force down enemies), however when you can get 6 or 7 stars we recommend you to find A calm point and as soon as you are sure there are no Brawlers nearby, hide yourself in a clump of grass right now and wait for the end of the level: why this advice?

With the chance to have 7 stars with you, why would you continue to knock down enemies by risking otherwise being defeated and targeted by all three enemy players and risk losing all the accumulated stars by giving them to the enemy? Better act wisely and calm, and hide in a safe and secure place.

Which Brawlers are better to use?

Usually with a team of friends we can better balance the Brawlers: in this event we recommend managing the choice of Brawlers carefully. Having 3 physical Brawlers or 3 Brawlers with distance Attacks can be a major disadvantage for the success of the mission.

It’s important to be able to rely on both physical damage and distance attack, so we guarantee a full coverage. Let’s have the case in our Brawlers El Primo team, what if we were facing 3 distance attack Brawlers like Shelly? None of the three would be able to approach without risking being defeated even before touching them!

For us, hese are the strongest brawlers:

  • Nita: With its ability, it generates Bears that annoy the enemy by protecting you and keeping them busy as much as possible. It also brings an important contribution to your team, as hypothetically allied players become more than 3.
  • El Primo: It’s a hard brawler, it’s slow but if you’re targeting a specific Brawler, you’re sure it will break it! His ability allows him to make huge leaps anywhere and at great speed, allowing him to damage groups of enemies, and to flee quickly from an enemy assault.